
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: Water

Can Obama tread water?

Question by I.P. Orange: Can Obama tread water?
I just thought it was curious they didn’t show a video of Obama in the water in FL…..can he swim? Kinda reminds me of the Mao snapshot from decades ago. of Mao “swimming” the YANGTZE river. Later video showed him barely floating with the current.

Just curious…..
Just one shot ?

Best answer:

Answer by Earth Needs Oil
Obama can out swim an fish known to man.

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Q&A: Do dolphins need salt water to survive? If so, why?

Question by John K: Do dolphins need salt water to survive? If so, why?
I know that there is (was) the Baiji dolphin in the Yangtze River in China. I am under the impression that other dolphins require salt water. Is this true? What does salt water provide to the animal for survival?

Best answer:

Answer by Robby P123
No, they don’t need SALT water to survive, just normal water.

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Which river holds the largest amount of water? Mississippi, Nile, Yangtze, or Amazon.?

Question by barnettspchs: Which river holds the largest amount of water? Mississippi, Nile, Yangtze, or Amazon.?

Best answer:

Answer by NotAnyoneYouKnow
The Amazon.

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Compare the problems of water diversions on the Yangtze River in China with those of the Colorado River?

Question by CountryGirl: Compare the problems of water diversions on the Yangtze River in China with those of the Colorado River?

Best answer:

Answer by Ray K
As a river increases in size, the problems associated with diversion increase exponentially. While we were able to bore/drill two diversion tunnels through solid rock, the extreme size of the Yangtze requires tunnels at least 5 times(?) larger or more in number. (As you double the cross sectional area of the tunnel, you should be able to pass 4 X the volume).

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Water from the Yangtze River was used to cultivate what?

Question by •SØ®†åy•: Water from the Yangtze River was used to cultivate what?
A.S.A.P would be great! Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by bradsgranny

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