
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: river (page 2 of 11)

If you could only go on one river in China, would it be the Yangtze or Li?

Question by Curiousss: If you could only go on one river in China, would it be the Yangtze or Li?

Best answer:

Answer by Kk D
what’s li

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Since the time of the Mughal Empire the valley of which river has been inhabited more by Muslims than by Hindu?

Question by Carly: Since the time of the Mughal Empire the valley of which river has been inhabited more by Muslims than by Hindu?
Indus, Ganges, Yangtze, Yellow, or Amur river?

Best answer:

Answer by ginga55

What do you think? Answer below!

Q&A: the city of shanghai in china is near the mouth of what river?

Question by xSolidScenex: the city of shanghai in china is near the mouth of what river?
its not huangpu i check but idont no what it is plz help
is it the yangtze river o the yellow river maybe i dont know plz help i need the answer by friday

Best answer:

Answer by The Grumble Toad
Yanghtze River.

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In what ancient river valley would the stone monument with Hammurabi’s Law inscribed be found?

Question by R T: In what ancient river valley would the stone monument with Hammurabi’s Law inscribed be found?
Hwang Ho and Yangtze River Valleys

Tigris and Euphrates River Valleys

Nile River Valley

Indus River Valley

Best answer:

Answer by minister667
Tigris and Euphrates River Valleys

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Which are the top five river in the world?

Question by lanshui: Which are the top five river in the world?
And The third is the Yangtze River or the Mississippi River?

Best answer:

Answer by M.j Lim
River Nile, The Amazon, Yangtze, Mississippi,Yenlsey-Angara

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Q&A: What is the deepest river on earth? It is not the Yangtze?

Question by jeff wojcinski: What is the deepest river on earth? It is not the Yangtze?

Best answer:

Answer by chanljkk
Amazon river ?

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Did you hear that they found a Yangtze River Dolphin??? I think this is amazing!!! Thank god its not extinct?

Question by swimmer_dude02: Did you hear that they found a Yangtze River Dolphin??? I think this is amazing!!! Thank god its not extinct?

Best answer:

Answer by mt_zion_crusader
Well, It’d be cool if they could save that fish but its population is probably too low to save the species. Let’s hope for the best.

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Number of baji left(Yangtze river dolphin)?

Question by whitexlotus: Number of baji left(Yangtze river dolphin)?
How many are left? I’ve heard that they’re almost gone.

Best answer:

Answer by lamcc57
Population Estimates:
[Note: Figures given are for wild populations only.]

WORLD (China)
Before 1900: 3000 – 5000 (Ellis 1993, Leatherwood & Genthe 1995)
1980: 400 (Ellis 1993)
1985-6: 300 (Reeves et al. 2003)
1993: 150 – 240 (Ellis 1993)
1995: Probably fewer than 100 (Leatherwood & Genthe 1995)
2003: Maybe no more than a few tens of individuals (Reeves et al. 2003)

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what boats do they use on the river Yangtze?

Question by Anouska Reilly: what boats do they use on the river Yangtze?

Best answer:

Answer by Richard C
Mostly San-pans but there are many other types, in use daily.

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Q&A: what boats do they use on the river Yangtze?

Question by Anouska Reilly: what boats do they use on the river Yangtze?

Best answer:

Answer by Richard C
Mostly San-pans but there are many other types, in use daily.

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