
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: Mississippi

Which river holds the largest amount of water? Mississippi, Nile, Yangtze, or Amazon.?

Question by barnettspchs: Which river holds the largest amount of water? Mississippi, Nile, Yangtze, or Amazon.?

Best answer:

Answer by NotAnyoneYouKnow
The Amazon.

Add your own answer in the comments!

How are the Amazon, Nile, Yangtze, and the Mississippi river alike.?

Question by jessica: How are the Amazon, Nile, Yangtze, and the Mississippi river alike.?
think location and distance

Best answer:

Answer by catey
They are the longest rivers on their continents

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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