
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: It’s

Nobody will help me. I asked Yahoo to help and they haven’t. My computer is going crazy and it’s brand new.

Question by : Nobody will help me. I asked Yahoo to help and they haven’t. My computer is going crazy and it’s brand new.
I only have the problems in Yahoo. Whenever I am in Yahoo all the sudden I will go from Yahoo USA to Yahoo UK and Ireland to Iceland and even make 15 minute layovers in China. I told my daughter about it and she said ‘sounds fun” i said, “no you don’t understand. I am not the one on the world cruise. My computer is. Yahoo is going global and so am I. or balistic. This ONLY happens on the Yahoo website. I tried changing passcodes but that didn’t work. I clicked the american flag 2O times. my daughter is a computer expert and I don’t think even she can fix it. It can’t be the computer cos it’s 10 months old and a very nice computer. please don’t tell me to click the american flag cos that only works for up to a half hour before it goes back to uk or iceland or china. What am i supposed to do? my daughter can’t come help for another 5 days but I doubt even SHE can fix THIS.

Best answer:

Answer by Crouching Doggie
LOL… your question is so cute! I’m hardly a computer expert but I was having a similar problem on my PC. If your running Internet Explorer on Windows platform, try clicking on Tools, Internet Options, Connections, and LAN settings, and be sure that you don’t have a “proxy server” selected on the bottom. Short of that I have no clue how to correct this problem, certainly your daughter would know better than me.

I wish you luck.

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How wide is the Yangtze River at it’s widest point? And how wide is the Yangtze River at it’s narrowest point?

Question by : How wide is the Yangtze River at it’s widest point? And how wide is the Yangtze River at it’s narrowest point?
Help. Google doesn’t give me answers.

Best answer:

Answer by Legman
It is 15 miles wide and about a foot at the smallest point. It starts out like a creek.

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Is there any phone signal on the cruise on YangTze River? (It’s in China)?

Question by isabelle: Is there any phone signal on the cruise on YangTze River? (It’s in China)?
likee, is there phone signal. WHILE on the cruise? or somewhere around there.
likee, is there phone signal. WHILE on the cruise? or somewhere around there. I live in China, by the way.
i live in China, by the way.

Best answer:

Answer by Mich1
Do you know how much that phone call would cost you? Add satellite charges and roaming charges and international carrier charges….

There may be a signal, but it depends on where in the river you are.

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