Question by Elysbeth: What are your comments on ‘Dusting The House Of Cards’ morning fill-in-the-blanks pome?
Ack! These figurines gotta go!
Dust-catching displays of…****
Where does this dust come from?
Particles of….****

Figurine: Ireland taking detainees
from Gitmo…HA! Uh, why not say
the IRA will host ‘guests’…IRA style…
Those ‘guests’ near future is…*********

Figurine: China’s EPA (pollution agency)
says ‘contamination of water’…uh,
now where did all those dead Chinese
go, when its western province kicked

the Chinese Army’s @**…hmmmmm?
And the Yangtze River never floods…
The Great Wall is a Walt Disney creation…
And the Ming Dynasty was in Portugal…

These figurines gotta GO!

Figurine: Knock, knock!
Who knockin on mah doe?
FBI,CIA,ATF,and, uh, Israel.
Ya’ll got enough parkin spots?

Have you ever been in Afghanistan?
Went to see about a sailboat.
Were you ever trained as a terrorist?
No, only a Jihadist.

Well, that makes all the difference
in the world! Sorry we bothered you…!
Israel, you can take it from here…
Thank you. Come with us now…

Where you be takin mahsef?
All you need to know is…OUT
of North Carolina…..and remember,
there’s 18 ways of killing you

with a paper clip…

Now, about your collection
of figurines….

Good Morning! Good Morning!

Hell with milk! Ya got dust?
Regwah…laptop got kicked off the net…sorry!
Oh yeah, he was good lookin! And should look like Saddam Hussein (in his cozy hidey when our troops found him), after…hmmmmm….which country is going to nail his @ss?
Neon….naw, ‘crap, *hit, and worthless….I’m really curious about this Ireland thing…what the hell?
China ain’t gonna say it got its @ss kicked! Where their army went, was the historical home of Attila…uh, and other ‘nice’ Huns….
Neon….naw, ‘crap’, ‘*hit’, and ‘worthless’….I’m really curious about this Ireland thing…what the hell?
China ain’t gonna say it got its @ss kicked! Where their army went, was the historical home of Attila…uh, and other ‘nice’ Huns….
Jenny…naw, got in from work at 7a.m. Ya know, the housing market down the bayou is ‘for sale…reduced’…after Gustav!
But, after Katrina, LOADS of Nawlins people settled in Houma, La., just 60 miles away. It has taken me 1 1/2 years to find a place I can afford! Greedy landlord *shit!!!
Plus, before Katrina, I heard only 1-3 sirens per week. After the ‘resettlement’ in Houma, of Nawlins people, it soared to 7-10 per night!!!
What does that tell you, eh?

Best answer:

Answer by Regwah
I’m having a hard time figurine this one out.
I did see that nice looking American terrorist & his sons on the news.

Two figurines collecting dust in my view right now, that you would be familiar with. The lost in space robot & Dr Who, complete with Sara Jane & K-nine.

The more figurines the more dust collects.
I think I see your point, he is more dust clinging to so many figurines.

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