
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: train

Has anyone here been to TIbet? We are going in June via the new train from xining in China….?

Question by : Has anyone here been to TIbet? We are going in June via the new train from xining in China….?
I am going with about 20 family members and friends some are American Chinese and some are not. None of us have been there but signed up for a tour. After that we are going on a cruise up the Yangtze river info on this would be nice as well. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by BoChOi
dont take a pen they explode at the high altitudes

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Will be going to China and take the new train to Tibet this June, please?

Question by : Will be going to China and take the new train to Tibet this June, please?
answer if you have done this trip or what you thought of it info etc. We are going to Guangzhou to Xining then take the train to Lhasa and spend about a week in Tibet. After we are going to Congquing and take a four day cruise up the Yangtze river. Any tips or experiences would be appreciated. I have been to China a couple times but not this trip. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Love Shepherd
You are taking a trip that is often done by Western tourists and a fantastic trip over all. If you have traveled to China, you know the pitfalls, but you shouldn’t have any trouble. I did the trip down the Yangtze and it is beautiful. I thought the dam would have messed it up.

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