
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: living

I have two students on F1 visas living with me and they have questions.?

Question by Ffion: I have two students on F1 visas living with me and they have questions.?
They are on a F1 visa with a I20 for high school. They are both 18. They are both from China and one wants to open an E-Trade account. She does not have a SSN or TIN. She has a bank account that is it.
The other wants to take a cruise to Mexico. Can he actually leave the USA?

Best answer:

Answer by Fred S
A cruise to Mexico would be easy enough to accomplish if the student takes a valid passport and a properly endorsed SEVIS I-20 form.

It could be a current SEVIS Form I-20 properly endorsed by the DSO for reentry if there has been no substantive change to the most recent Form I-20 information, or a new SEVIS Form I-20 if there has been a substantive change in the information on the student’s most recent Form I-20 information, such as in the case of a student who has changed the major area of study, who intends to transfer to another Service approved institution or who has advanced to a higher level of study.

He would need to be returning to the U.S. to attend school. Remember, high school students are limited to 12 months of study at a public high school.

The E-Trade question isn’t really an immigration question. A stock broker or the Social Security administration can answer that one.

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Q&A: Hey, Patriotic, Braved, Social conservatives: Y is Faux News owner living in China when China = Threat to US?

Question by American Noodle: Hey, Patriotic, Braved, Social conservatives: Y is Faux News owner living in China when China = Threat to US?
From Mike Mount

WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Chinese military continues to increase spending on efforts to break into U.S. military computer systems, expand its Navy, and invest in intercontinental nuclear missiles and weapons to destroy satellites, according to the latest U.S report on China’s military power.


WASHINGTON—The Pentagon voiced alarm over China’s military buildup, saying it was expanding its advantage over Taiwan and investing heavily in ballistic and cruise missile capabilities that could one day pose a challenge to U.S. dominance in the western Pacific.

In its annual report to Congress on Chinese military capabilities, the Pentagon also cited China’s advances in electronic warfare. The U.S. government has been the target of cyber intrusions the report says appear to have originated in China and aimed to steal military secrets. “These intrusions focused on exfiltrating information, some of which could be of strategic or military utility,” the report said.

Best answer:

Answer by coldfuse
OK – this is hilarious – where do you think the person should live, in the world according to you? Cleveland? Paris? Sao Paulo?

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My husband and I are going to teach English in China. Want to know about costs and best living places.?

Question by susan o: My husband and I are going to teach English in China. Want to know about costs and best living places.?
We are also ballroom dancer instructors on cruise ships and want to continue to do that. Other interests include skiing and exploring. Any advice?

Best answer:

Answer by Ly
It depends on which city are you going to. Usually in Shanghai and Peking are more expansive, but everyone include the chinese wants to live there, and it also depends if you want to live in the center of the city or in the countryside. Living costs would be at least 450 pounds.

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How do people living on the Yangtze River live differently to Australians?

Question by lilly rox 4eva: How do people living on the Yangtze River live differently to Australians?

Best answer:

Answer by carlos
People from the Yangtze river banks eat chinese take out foods, Australians go to Outback restaurants. Although both cultures uses the bathroom outback, the Chinese flushes the toilet into the Yangtze river and the Australians flushes their toilet down to New Zealand

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