
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

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Was the IPCC wrong to threaten 1.3 billion people who live in the Himalayan basin to advance their agenda?

Question by Conservative Agenda: Was the IPCC wrong to threaten 1.3 billion people who live in the Himalayan basin to advance their agenda?
Some of the world’s major rivers, the Indus, the Ganges, the Brahmaputra, and the Yangtze, rise in the Himalayas, and their combined drainage basin is home to some 1.3 billion people, including the people of Bangladesh.
Where do I start, Oikos?

“Articles in the gray literature are not always wrong.”

Maybe SOMEBODY should check it out.

‘ It seems strange that you cavil at gray literature while citing a newspaper editorial as your source.”

The IPCC report is “gray literature”??

At least the newspaper article vetted its sources.

2 hours ago

Best answer:

Answer by oikos
Articles in the gray literature are not always wrong. Most of it consist of government publications. As long as there is no pressure put on the agency from the White House (“W”e “W”on’t mention names.), the publications are usually as accurate at those in the peer-reviewed literature. It seems strange that you cavil at gray literature while citing a newspaper editorial as your source.

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I live in philippines, where do I go to get Visa’s?

Question by : I live in philippines, where do I go to get Visa’s?
In november, I’m going on a 24day cruise to singapore, vietnam, thailand,Japan, South Korea, and China.

I live in philippines, twhere do I go to get Visa’s? Can I do it online? And where can I find more information?

Best answer:

Answer by Lonesome
All you need is a passport. In Asian countries all Asians are automatically entitiled to 21 days tourist visa. Before the 21 days expires in one country, you must get a visa to the country you travel to. Your 24 days in Asian countries won’t require you a visa since that’s 24days in 6 countries. You probably stay in one country for only 4 days..

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Y is Fox News afraid to criticize China for trying to hack into US military computers = owners live in China?

Question by American Noodle: Y is Fox News afraid to criticize China for trying to hack into US military computers = owners live in China?
From Mike Mount

WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Chinese military continues to increase spending on efforts to break into U.S. military computer systems, expand its Navy, and invest in intercontinental nuclear missiles and weapons to destroy satellites, according to the latest U.S report on China’s military power.


WASHINGTON—The Pentagon voiced alarm over China’s military buildup, saying it was expanding its advantage over Taiwan and investing heavily in ballistic and cruise missile capabilities that could one day pose a challenge to U.S. dominance in the western Pacific.

In its annual report to Congress on Chinese military capabilities, the Pentagon also cited China’s advances in electronic warfare. The U.S. government has been the target of cyber intrusions the report says appear to have originated in China and aimed to steal military secrets. “These intrusions focused on exfiltrating information, some of which could be of strategic or military utility,” the report said.

Best answer:

Answer by stanleys_2001
Fox is owned by CHINA – because they are HERE in AMERICA and CHINA owns a LARGE AMOUNT of STOCK in AMERICA. That’s the extent of that.

Unlike the MAIN STREAM MEDIA – who refuse to carry ANTI-OBAMA stories… Fox will report “news”.

So many times… I’ll see a story on FOX… and tune to MSNBC or CNN – and there will be NO MENTION of it – FOR DAYS!

(And that’s only because FOX broke the story… and they HAD to cover it).

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What animals live near the Yangtze River?

Question by Nyan Cat: What animals live near the Yangtze River?
I need help! Google doesn’t give me answers.

Best answer:

Answer by Joel
The baiji dolphin, the ancient river sturgeon, and the fin less porpoise all depends on the Yangtze River. Cranes can also be seen migrating 3,100 miles to the Yangtze region from their breeding ground in western Siberia.

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How do people living on the Yangtze River live differently to Australians?

Question by lilly rox 4eva: How do people living on the Yangtze River live differently to Australians?

Best answer:

Answer by carlos
People from the Yangtze river banks eat chinese take out foods, Australians go to Outback restaurants. Although both cultures uses the bathroom outback, the Chinese flushes the toilet into the Yangtze river and the Australians flushes their toilet down to New Zealand

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