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Q&A: the 25 largest naval battle ?

Question by sinnombre2: the 25 largest naval battle ?
This is my top.

battle of the delta(1178bc)>While there is no documentation for any pursuit of the defeated Sea Peoples, who fled to the Levant, Egypt was saved from the fate of total destruction.This is the first naval battle in the history.

Salamis, (480 BC)>. 371 Greek ships defeated 1,271 Persian ships in this decisive battle. Greek triremes had a crew of about 200 while their small penteconters had 50 oarsmen. With 1,642 ships altogether, it is thought possible that 200,000 sailors, soldiers and marines took part.

Cape Ecnomus, (256 BC)>. Like Salamis, Ecnomus was also a single engagement where 680 ships were fighting in a very small area. Some historians[who?] accept Roman claims that Rome had about 100,000 personnel. If this were true, which is unlikely, it would make it probable that at least 200,000 Roman and Carthaginian sailors and soldiers were involved.

Red Cliffs, (208 bc)>, the battle between Cao Cao and Sun Quan on China’s Yangtze River – the exact location is debated – during the late Han Dynasty. Cao Cao’s forces are said to have numbered 220,000–240,000 while Sun Quan’s fleet is said to have had 50,000 marines, the total claimed therefore being some 270,000 or 290,000 in all.

Actium, (31 BC)>. Battle between Mark Antony, Cleopatra and Octavian for control of the Roman world; more than 500 warships were involved

The fall of Constantinople(1453)>The end of the east roman empire and the start of the Turkish domination in oriental Europe.

Battle of Dan-no-Ura (1185)The Minamoto Clan defeated the Taira Clan, leading to Minamoto Yoritomo become the first Shogun of Japan

Yamen, (1279). The battle which ended the Mongol-led Yuan Dynasty’s conquest of Southern Song Dynasty. It is claimed that more than 1,000 Song Dynasty warships were destroyed by the Yuan Dynasty near Yamen, Guangdong, China.

Battle of koan (1281)>The Japanese fleet defeated the mongol fleet stoping the mongol expansion for the east.

Lake Poyang, (1363)>. Claimed to be the largest battle in terms of personnel. Sailors of the Ming rebel force, said to be 200,000 strong, commanded by Zhu Yuanzhang, met a Han rebel force, claimed to be 650,000-strong, commanded by Chen Youliang, on Lake Poyang, China’s largest freshwater lake.

battle of diu (1509)>After centuries blocking the orient wey,the Turkish empire is defeated for the Portugal empire.This battle gave to the Europeans new ways to the india and china and the start of the European colonialism.

Lepanto, (1571). 212 Holy League galleys and galleasses against 272 or more Ottoman galleys, galliots etc (484+ total). The forces of the Holy League inflicted a crushing defeat on the Ottoman fleet. This was the last major naval battle, at least in the Western world, to be fought entirely or almost entirely between rowing vessels. Around 150,000 personnel took part in the battle. Lepanto is thought by some historians[who?] to have been the most decisive naval battle since Actium in 31 BC.The Turkish fleet lost more than 200 vessels and suffered at least 20,000 casualties.

Spanish Armada, (1588)>. In a series of engagements in the English Channel, a Spanish invasion fleet of 130 ships was driven north by English forces numbering nearly 200 ships. Rounding the British Isles into the Atlantic, the Armada was destroyed by powerful gales on its return to Spain.

the english armada (1589)>One year after the spanish armada,the queen elizabeth sent 18.000 soldiers against spain. drake was wanting destroy the half of spanish ships,wean portugal of spain and conquest the azores for help the english pirates attack the spanish colonies. If drake,s plans were completed,the spanish empire entered into a major crisis.This is a great naval battle.Only 5000 came to england.Spain was the most powerful country in the sea until 1639 (battle of the downs)

Myeongnyang, (1597)>. A large Japanese assault on Admiral Yi’s remaining 13 ships. The Japanese attacked with 333, but were routed by the smaller force.

Battle of the downs(1639)>After this battle,holland was became in the first naval power in the world.

Cartagena de Indias, (1741)>. 186 British ships attacked Spanish fortifications and six warships in Cartagena de Indias (present-day Colombia), resulting in a major defeat and heavy losses for the British: 50 ships lost and 18,000 casualties. The battle is thought to be the largest military action in maritime history (in terms of tonnage) until the Battles of Normandy and Leyte Gulf surpassed it in 1944.

Quiberon Bay 1759 – destroyed French naval power for the remainder of the Seven Years War and the birth of the british empire.

Battle of Chesapeake Bay (1781) – the French prevented Royal Navy from supplying Gen. Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, and 5 British ships were damaged with 336 casualties. Not a humiliating naval defeat, but the outcome was humiliating – the Briti
Vyborg Bay, (1790)>. 257 Russian vs 241 Swedish sailing ships and rowing vessels (498 total) Russia is the new mistress of the Baltic sea.

. Trafalgar, (1805). A British fleet of 27 ships-of-the-line and six other vessels, commanded by Nelson, attacked and destroyed a combined French and Spanish fleet of 41 ships, including 33 ships-of-the-line, ultimately capturing 21 ships of the line and destroying another. Almost certainly the largest battle, at least until the American victory at Santiago in 1898, in terms of the damage and/or casualties inflicted by gunfire alone. One of the most decisive battles in history.

the battle of Juncal(1827), where Argentina beat fleet overwhelmingly Brazilian, despite the vast numerical superiority Brazilian, allowing Argentina to victory in the war and attempts to dominate Brazilian expansionist half of South America.

Jutland, (1916)>. The largest battle in terms tonnage of ships engaged and in terms of the total tonnage of ships in
Jutland, (1916)>. The largest battle in terms tonnage of ships engaged and in terms of the total tonnage of ships involved in a single action. Possibly the largest battle-line action, in terms of numbers of ships engaged. The largest surface action and the largest ship-to-ship action, in terms of t

Midway, (1942). The most decisive battle of the Pacific War. Midway was a crushing defeat for the Japanese navy, reversing the course of the Pacific War.

bay of pigs invasion(1961)>The cuban army defeats the american invasion,Castro holds the presidency of the Cuban goverment and U.S. through lost his first war

Best answer:

Answer by Dang
it’s a good list but the last one is confusing.

What do you think? Answer below!

The World Largest Cargo Ship Information……i tell you Friends?

Question by shami742003: The World Largest Cargo Ship Information……i tell you Friends?
World’s Largest Cargo Ship Get a load of this ship! 15,000 containers and a 207′ beam! And look at the crew size (13) for a ship longer than US aircraft carriers, which have complements of 5,000 men and officers. Think it’s big enough? Notice that 207′ beam means it was NOT designed for the Panama or Suez canal . It is strictly transpacific. Check out the “cruise speed”. 31 mph means the goods arrive four days before the typical container ship traveling at 18 to 20 mph on a China-to-California run. So this behemoth is hugely competitive when carrying perishable goods.This ship was built in three, perhaps as many as five sections. The sections floated together and then welded. It is named Emma Maersk. The command bridge is higher than a ten story building and has eleven rigs that can operate simultaneously.

Additional info:
Country of origin – Denmark
Length – 1,302 ft
Width – 207 ft
Net cargo – 123,200 tons
Engine – 14 in-line cylinders diesel engine (110,000 BHP)
Cruise Speed – 31 mi/h
Cargo capacity – 15,000 TEU (1 TEU = 20 ft3 container)
Crew – 13 people
First Trip – Sept. 08, 2006
Construction cost – US $ 145,000,000+

The silicone paint applied to the ship’s bottom reduces water resistance and saves 317,000 gallons of diesel per year

Best answer:

Answer by ?
I love big mean machines… 😉

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Q&A: the 25 largest naval battle ?

Question by sinnombre2: the 25 largest naval battle ?
This is my top.

battle of the delta(1178bc)>While there is no documentation for any pursuit of the defeated Sea Peoples, who fled to the Levant, Egypt was saved from the fate of total destruction.This is the first naval battle in the history.

Salamis, (480 BC)>. 371 Greek ships defeated 1,271 Persian ships in this decisive battle. Greek triremes had a crew of about 200 while their small penteconters had 50 oarsmen. With 1,642 ships altogether, it is thought possible that 200,000 sailors, soldiers and marines took part.

Cape Ecnomus, (256 BC)>. Like Salamis, Ecnomus was also a single engagement where 680 ships were fighting in a very small area. Some historians[who?] accept Roman claims that Rome had about 100,000 personnel. If this were true, which is unlikely, it would make it probable that at least 200,000 Roman and Carthaginian sailors and soldiers were involved.

Red Cliffs, (208 bc)>, the battle between Cao Cao and Sun Quan on China’s Yangtze River – the exact location is debated – during the late Han Dynasty. Cao Cao’s forces are said to have numbered 220,000–240,000 while Sun Quan’s fleet is said to have had 50,000 marines, the total claimed therefore being some 270,000 or 290,000 in all.

Actium, (31 BC)>. Battle between Mark Antony, Cleopatra and Octavian for control of the Roman world; more than 500 warships were involved

The fall of Constantinople(1453)>The end of the east roman empire and the start of the Turkish domination in oriental Europe.

Battle of Dan-no-Ura (1185)The Minamoto Clan defeated the Taira Clan, leading to Minamoto Yoritomo become the first Shogun of Japan

Yamen, (1279). The battle which ended the Mongol-led Yuan Dynasty’s conquest of Southern Song Dynasty. It is claimed that more than 1,000 Song Dynasty warships were destroyed by the Yuan Dynasty near Yamen, Guangdong, China.

Battle of koan (1281)>The Japanese fleet defeated the mongol fleet stoping the mongol expansion for the east.

Lake Poyang, (1363)>. Claimed to be the largest battle in terms of personnel. Sailors of the Ming rebel force, said to be 200,000 strong, commanded by Zhu Yuanzhang, met a Han rebel force, claimed to be 650,000-strong, commanded by Chen Youliang, on Lake Poyang, China’s largest freshwater lake.

battle of diu (1509)>After centuries blocking the orient wey,the Turkish empire is defeated for the Portugal empire.This battle gave to the Europeans new ways to the india and china and the start of the European colonialism.

Lepanto, (1571). 212 Holy League galleys and galleasses against 272 or more Ottoman galleys, galliots etc (484+ total). The forces of the Holy League inflicted a crushing defeat on the Ottoman fleet. This was the last major naval battle, at least in the Western world, to be fought entirely or almost entirely between rowing vessels. Around 150,000 personnel took part in the battle. Lepanto is thought by some historians[who?] to have been the most decisive naval battle since Actium in 31 BC.The Turkish fleet lost more than 200 vessels and suffered at least 20,000 casualties.

Spanish Armada, (1588)>. In a series of engagements in the English Channel, a Spanish invasion fleet of 130 ships was driven north by English forces numbering nearly 200 ships. Rounding the British Isles into the Atlantic, the Armada was destroyed by powerful gales on its return to Spain.

the english armada (1589)>One year after the spanish armada,the queen elizabeth sent 18.000 soldiers against spain. drake was wanting destroy the half of spanish ships,wean portugal of spain and conquest the azores for help the english pirates attack the spanish colonies. If drake,s plans were completed,the spanish empire entered into a major crisis.This is a great naval battle.Only 5000 came to england.Spain was the most powerful country in the sea until 1639 (battle of the downs)

Myeongnyang, (1597)>. A large Japanese assault on Admiral Yi’s remaining 13 ships. The Japanese attacked with 333, but were routed by the smaller force.

Battle of the downs(1639)>After this battle,holland was became in the first naval power in the world.

Cartagena de Indias, (1741)>. 186 British ships attacked Spanish fortifications and six warships in Cartagena de Indias (present-day Colombia), resulting in a major defeat and heavy losses for the British: 50 ships lost and 18,000 casualties. The battle is thought to be the largest military action in maritime history (in terms of tonnage) until the Battles of Normandy and Leyte Gulf surpassed it in 1944.

Quiberon Bay 1759 – destroyed French naval power for the remainder of the Seven Years War and the birth of the british empire.

Battle of Chesapeake Bay (1781) – the French prevented Royal Navy from supplying Gen. Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, and 5 British ships were damaged with 336 casualties. Not a humiliating naval defeat, but the outcome was humiliating – the Briti
Vyborg Bay, (1790)>. 257 Russian vs 241 Swedish sailing ships and rowing vessels (498 total) Russia is the new mistress of the Baltic sea.

. Trafalgar, (1805). A British fleet of 27 ships-of-the-line and six other vessels, commanded by Nelson, attacked and destroyed a combined French and Spanish fleet of 41 ships, including 33 ships-of-the-line, ultimately capturing 21 ships of the line and destroying another. Almost certainly the largest battle, at least until the American victory at Santiago in 1898, in terms of the damage and/or casualties inflicted by gunfire alone. One of the most decisive battles in history.

the battle of Juncal(1827), where Argentina beat fleet overwhelmingly Brazilian, despite the vast numerical superiority Brazilian, allowing Argentina to victory in the war and attempts to dominate Brazilian expansionist half of South America.

Jutland, (1916)>. The largest battle in terms tonnage of ships engaged and in terms of the total tonnage of ships in
hace 25
Jutland, (1916)>. The largest battle in terms tonnage of ships engaged and in terms of the total tonnage of ships involved in a single action. Possibly the largest battle-line action, in terms of numbers of ships engaged. The largest surface action and the largest ship-to-ship action, in terms of t

Midway, (1942). The most decisive battle of the Pacific War. Midway was a crushing defeat for the Japanese navy, reversing the course of the Pacific War.

bay of pigs invasion(1961)>The cuban army defeats the american invasion,Castro holds the presidency of the Cuban goverment and U.S. through lost his first war

Best answer:

Answer by Arbie
I see you were cut off after only 19, but I also notice that several modern battles were not on your list, including Battle of the Nile, Trafalgar,Tsushima Straits, Jutland, Taranto, Pearl Harbor, Midway, the Marianas (Solomon Sea), Leyte Gulf, and the long-running Battle of the North Atlantic against Hitler’s U-boats. That’s 10, which is 4 more than you could have chosen. So, which ones do you eliminate?

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Which river holds the largest amount of water? Mississippi, Nile, Yangtze, or Amazon.?

Question by barnettspchs: Which river holds the largest amount of water? Mississippi, Nile, Yangtze, or Amazon.?

Best answer:

Answer by NotAnyoneYouKnow
The Amazon.

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