
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: invade

Could the US invade China?

Question by TomCruise: Could the US invade China?
Would America win easily by bombing their Yangtze three rivers gorge dam?

Best answer:

Answer by Robert
We’d win that one, but all thier allies would come for us….

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Like 1930s-1940s, could Japan invade China again ?

Question by peculationRetard: Like 1930s-1940s, could Japan invade China again ?
1) Japan has dropped the Peaceful Clause in Japan Constitution under US guidance.

2) It sends military men to fight in Iraq.

3) It’s military ship is cruising Indian Ocean to assist US warship.

Best answer:

Answer by mazariamonti
no, china is one of the world’s emerging super powers, japan was completely crushed to the ground in ww2, we took away all of their military might, to rebuild everything, and just try to invade china for no apparent reason, there is no possible way they could pull it off, they just aren’t powerful enough.

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Like 1930s-1940s, could Japan invade China again ?

Question by peculationRetard: Like 1930s-1940s, could Japan invade China again ?
1) Japan has dropped the Peaceful Clause in Japan Constitution under US guidance.

2) It sends military men to fight in Iraq.

3) It’s military ship is cruising Indian Ocean to assist US warship.

Best answer:

Answer by Jules
I really dough it Japan was a power full military force back then but the usa have monitor them and haven’t allowed them to gain that kind of power again so no they wont China is well prepare this time

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Like 1930s-1940s, could Japan invade China again ?

Question by peculationRetard: Like 1930s-1940s, could Japan invade China again ?
1) Japan has dropped the Peaceful Clause in Japan Constitution under US guidance.

2) It sends military men to fight in Iraq.

3) It’s military ship is cruising Indian Ocean to assist US warship.

Best answer:

Answer by Carl_the_Truth
Not a snow flake chance.

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Q&A: Like 1930s-1940s, could Japan invade China again ?

Question by peculationRetard: Like 1930s-1940s, could Japan invade China again ?
1) Japan has dropped the Peaceful Clause in Japan Constitution under US guidance.

2) It sends military men to fight in Iraq.

3) It’s military ship is cruising Indian Ocean to assist US warship.

Best answer:

Answer by Amustapha
Well, the Septics are very good at getting other people to fight their wars.

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Q&A: When ETs invade Earth and attack China, will they have another thing coming when PL-12 AMRAAMs and YJ-83 nucle?

Question by gua: When ETs invade Earth and attack China, will they have another thing coming when PL-12 AMRAAMs and YJ-83 nucle?
ar-tipped cruise missiles fired by Chinese air force planes slam into their space-ships?

Best answer:

Answer by …………..
earth to gua.comeback to reality

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