
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: Hong

Are there any ferry or boat or cruise services from Hong Kong or China or Japan or Korea to America..?

Question by doubtingthomas: Are there any ferry or boat or cruise services from Hong Kong or China or Japan or Korea to America..?
Are there any ferry or boat or cruise services from Hong Kong or China or Japan or Korea to America Continent across the Pacific Ocean?

Best answer:

Answer by mg© – anti VT™ MG AM© Fundi4Life
wrong section

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Q&A: Which to skip on china trip cuz of time. Yangtze river cruise(3dys), Hong Kong(out of way) Guilin(Li river) ?

Question by Gavin Smith: Which to skip on china trip cuz of time. Yangtze river cruise(3dys), Hong Kong(out of way) Guilin(Li river) ?
We’re already going to Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an. Can only go to 2 of the 3(Guiling/yangshuo, hong kong, yangtze cruise from yaching to chongqing) Guilin seems to be a top tourist attraction with the Li river cruise(4 hours) and Yangshuo not too far away that has many natural attractions(rice paddy fields, mountains), hong kong i left out at first but friends wanna go. Yangtze river cruise seems least exciting but 3rd longest river in the world and 3 gorges dam is one of engineering wonders.

Best answer:

Answer by Kate likes Nikon 🙂
Yangtze river, i would miss out on. The amount of scum & slim that has piled up behind the 3 gorges dam over the years is ridiculous, it’s really affected the nature and beauty. The Guilin is a proper wonder, fabulous.

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