
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

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from Thailand to Australia by sea?

Question by ⊥ Bag: from Thailand to Australia by sea?
has anybody ever done it before, actually i am going to Thailand in a couple of weeks and i was just thinking about taking a cruise and i want to stay on a boat as long as i can and the longest route i can afford is from thailand to Australia, my main concern is that i hold a China passport and i don’t have a VISA to go to Australia, but i don’t care if i can get off the ship, i just want to be floating on the sea for a couple days, so will they let me on their ship if don’t have a VISA to Australia, how exactly can i make this happen
Thank you !

Best answer:

Answer by Halo
No you will not be allowed to board any vessel without a valid visa. If you board a ship in Thailand you must show a return ticket from your destination (Australia). At the end of any cruise you must leave the ship for it to be cleaned etc, even people who have back to back cruises (getting back on the same ship) have to depart at each final port. You will be denied boarding in Thailand without the correct visa’s.

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Where do oddball makeup brands come from?

Question by Brittany: Where do oddball makeup brands come from?
There is a local salon sellin a cameo set of eyeshadows in a circular compact for 18$ I am wondering if anyone knows about this brand, or if it is made in China like The color workshop.

The only place I could find Cameo palettes when I googled it was on ebay!

RThis happens a lot, on cruise ships or at random salons or walmart or zellers they have no name makeup brands or brands with a weird name like lantern or siarrah, something that isnt really a real brand.

Best answer:

Answer by Sarah A
from the oddballs that create them….and end up making a ton of money.

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From Thailand to Australia by sea?

Question by ⊥ Bag: From Thailand to Australia by sea?
has anybody ever done it before, actually i am going to Thailand in a couple of weeks and i was just thinking about taking a cruise and i want to stay on a boat as long as i can and the longest route i can afford is from thailand to Australia, my main concern is that i hold a China passport and i don’t have a VISA to go to Australia, but i don’t care if i can get off the ship, i just want to be floating on the sea for a couple days, so will they let me on their ship if don’t have a VISA to Australia, how exactly can i make this happen
Thank you !

Best answer:

Answer by றaறour ø♥ø
No ship will let you on if you do not have a visa to enter Australia. Ships have immigration controls.

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Case studies – Following on from Truth telling Question.?

Question by atreehugger: Case studies – Following on from Truth telling Question.?
A 65 year old man comes to his physician with complaints of abdominal pain that is persistent but not extreme. Results reveal that he has metastatic cancer of the pancreas. The man has just retired from a busy professional career, and he and his wife are about to leave on around the world cruise that they’ve been planning for over a year.

Should he be told about his diagnosis?

A 78yr old Asian woman is admitted to hospital with weight loss, weakness and a pulmonary mass. Results show that she has pulmonary TB. Her family approaches the physician and asks that the patient not be told, stating that in her upbringing in mainland China TB was considered fatal and to tell her would be like giving her a ‘death sentence’.

Should the families concerns be respected?

Best answer:

Answer by Mogollon Dude
The patient should be told for there are things in there life that may need to be taken care of . As well as there choice to seek holistic medical treatment if standard medical can go no further then pain control ?

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Case studies – Following on from Truth telling Question.?

Question by atreehugger: Case studies – Following on from Truth telling Question.?
A 65 year old man comes to his physician with complaints of abdominal pain that is persistent but not extreme. Results reveal that he has metastatic cancer of the pancreas. The man has just retired from a busy professional career, and he and his wife are about to leave on around the world cruise that they’ve been planning for over a year.

Should he be told about his diagnosis?

A 78yr old Asian woman is admitted to hospital with weight loss, weakness and a pulmonary mass. Results show that she has pulmonary TB. Her family approaches the physician and asks that the patient not be told, stating that in her upbringing in mainland China TB was considered fatal and to tell her would be like giving her a ‘death sentence’.

Should the families concerns be respected?

Best answer:

Answer by okchick133
from a doctors point of view, they are obligated to inform and treat their patients…unless the PATIENT asks not to be treated or informed. in the Asian woman case, the family members do not have the right to ask the doctor to withhold his diagnosis. he is also obligated to tell the man about the cancer even if there isn’t any treatment options. not doing so could result in the doctor being sued by the patient for negligence.

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And your thoughts on ‘Excerpts From Poetry World, India’ morning ageless whatchamacallit?

Question by Elysbeth: And your thoughts on ‘Excerpts From Poetry World, India’ morning ageless whatchamacallit?
Who me? Grow old? Are you nuts?
Time touches us physically…not
our minds…who is afraid?…..from just me!!!!
From Hsu Chicheng, a contemporary poet from China:

“Is it time for you to get off work?
Yet you look back again and again.
What and whom are you reluctant to part with?
Look! The sun
Is coming with its strong rays
Like the surging waves
In Yangtze River…”
……………”The View in a Winter Morning”
“When spring comes and the chance appears,
I will turn into a butterfly, flying gracefully
Into a bright flower of poetry.”
…………………………”Turning Into a Butterfly”
“The poet seeks to live afresh…his poems
bespeak a return to youth and childhood:
…”We raise our heads and overlook,
expecting another world.
…We raise our heads and overlook,
expecting another spring.
So, now that winter is upon us,
do we treat it as winter?
Or the prelude to Spring?

Good Morning! Good Morning!
Ya’llses of Springtime!!!
Sir Richard….Yang Zongze is his translator…that’s where the confusion came in…of course! I could have put that fact in the beginning…but, have only had one cup of wake up!!!
Forget about those TDs…they’re stupid jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All of these excerpts were, in some form and fashion, about growing old….

Best answer:

Answer by Sir Richard
I liked “Turning into a Butterfly” least, but I lapped the rest up gratefully thanks. He’s a very talented man, as is Yang Zongze who I think is Taiwanese, and responsible for these excellent and colloquial translations (if I’ve read the material in the attached link correctly). He’s good!

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Asian people first originated from AFRICA? is this true?

Question by : Asian people first originated from AFRICA? is this true?
I read somewhere that Asians first originated in Africa:

“In Cavalli-Sforza’s genetic clustering work (1988) South Chinese join Southeast Asians in genetic clustering while the North Chinese associate with Koreans, Japanese, Ainu, Bhutanese and Tibetans in genetic clustering. Other Southeast Asians include Malaysian, Viet Muong, Thai, Western Indonesian and Philippine.

Xiao and Cavalli-Sforza (2000) find the boundary between Northern and Southern Mongoloids to approximate the Yangtze River, and suggest that their ancestors arrived from Africa via separate routes. Principal component analysis of gene frequencies of Chinese populations

Other scientists have suggested that the finding of sharp genetic differences between North and South China is an artifact of using an insufficient number of samples. However, Xiao and Cavalli-Sforza (2000) has a larger number of samples than previous studies.”

It says that they originated from a part of Africa, if this is true, Black people are our long lost brothers and sisters?

Best answer:

Answer by Rawr!
People originated in Africa.

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Visiting the Yangtze from Shanghai. Suggestions?

Question by Rob….=]: Visiting the Yangtze from Shanghai. Suggestions?
Visiting the Yangtze from Shanghai.

I have just booked flights to China for a (short) 10day visit. I am flying into Beijing and spending three nights there before heading to Shanghai. I am travelling with a friend who really wants to visit the Yangtze. What is the easiest, quickest and cheapest way of visiting the Yangtze from Shanghai? I looked at flights to Chongqing from Beijing/Shanghai but they are so expensive, do any cruises leave from Shanghai along the Yangtze? Are there any nice areas of the Yangtze easily accessible from Shanghai?
Thanks for your help in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by Got you!,!
Hi there,
There are Bullet trains from Hongqiao Railway Station to North Chongqing that cost 473RMB one way for a second class seats. The journey takes about 18 hrs ( not too sure ). The normal train will take roughly 36 hrs. There are also Cruises to the Yangtze from Shanghai but most of the itinerary were be 6-8days. And its also very costly. Have provided some sites for you.

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Does the US think civilians from “3rd World” countries are just dirty animals and so have no rights???

Question by f_vidigal: Does the US think civilians from “3rd World” countries are just dirty animals and so have no rights???
It is very common practice of the US to launch missile air strikes against populated areas if they think someone wanted is hiding there somewhere, and usually they kill the guy but they also kill many innocent civilians. After that, the US officials say they are sorry(not), and case closed. And they don’t care because it was “3rd World” Nation civilians.
How about if a “3rd World” Nation wanted someone and thought the guy was hiding in a US town, then send a “3rd World” cruise missile to blow up that US town, and then just say sorry, and case closed?
Would the US send a cruise missile too if that wanted guy was hiding in Paris, or somewhere in China?
How about if the US suspected a wanted guy was hiding in a US town would they send a missile to blow the town up, then no criminal repercussions, no monetary indemnifications, and just say sorry, and case closed?
What is the difference between innocent US civilians, innocent “3rd World” Nation civilians, and innocent Chinese civilians?
Are the innocent US civilians prettier? US civilians can suffer pain and the others don’t? US civilians have hopes, dreams and families; and the others don’t? Does US civilians are worth more than other Human Beings?
Is US ARROGANT and Inhumane???
Daniel S., OR MAYBE THE US IS THE HITLER NOW, AND YOU KNOW “Straighted Out”!!!!!
RULING THE WORLD????!!!!! You are very ARROGANT and STUPID. KEEP DREAMING YOU FUCK! You know what happed to hitler?

Best answer:

Answer by Daniel S.
tough cookies dude. keep your nose clean or Team AMerica will come and straighten you out.

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Q&A: Does the US think civilians from “3rd World” countries are just dirty animals and so have no rights???

Question by f_vidigal: Does the US think civilians from “3rd World” countries are just dirty animals and so have no rights???
It is very common practice of the US to launch missile air strikes against populated areas if they think someone wanted is hiding there somewhere, and usually they kill the guy but they also kill many innocent civilians. After that, the US officials say they are sorry(not), and case closed. And they don’t care because it was “3rd World” Nation civilians.
How about if a “3rd World” Nation wanted someone and thought the guy was hiding in a US town, then send a “3rd World” cruise missile to blow up that US town, and then just say sorry, and case closed?
Would the US send a cruise missile too if that wanted guy was hiding in Paris, or somewhere in China?
How about if the US suspected a wanted guy was hiding in a US town would they send a missile to blow the town up, then no criminal repercussions, no monetary “compensations”, and just say sorry, and case closed?
What is the difference between innocent US civilians, innocent “3rd World” Nation civilians, and innocent Chinese civilians?
Are the innocent US civilians prettier? US civilians can suffer pain and the others don’t? US civilians have hopes, dreams and families; and the others don’t? Does US civilians are worth more than other Human Beings?
Is US ARROGANT and Inhumane???
“3D Farms”, Then the 9/11 war war too, HON. Dont like it so much when it happens to you, HON?

Best answer:

Answer by 3D Farms
That’s war , hon .

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