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Tag: civilizations

So, all 4 of the earliest civilizations are now 3rd world, and the former “barbarians” are now 1st world?

Question by LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE MEEEEEE!!!!: So, all 4 of the earliest civilizations are now 3rd world, and the former “barbarians” are now 1st world?
The 4 earliest civilizations were the Nile River civilization (present day Egypt), the Euphrates-Tigris Rivers civilization (present day Iraq), Indus River civilization (present day India), Yangtze-Yellow Rivers civilization (present day China), all of which date to at least 2500 BC, are now reduced to 3rd world status, whereas the NW Europeans, which were considered by these civilizations as nothing but “barbarians”, are now the 1st world. The table has turn 180 degrees. Agree?

Best answer:

Answer by ♥*~Shallow Seas~*♥
careful…it may turn another 180 soon enough.

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What do you think of these 4 early civilizations are most advanced to least and why?

Question by : What do you think of these 4 early civilizations are most advanced to least and why?
Mesopotamia (Fertile Crescent)
Indus River Valley
Ancient China River Dynasties (Yellow and Yangtze)
Nile River Vally of Egypt
I would like to collect many opinions to examine the most common response.
Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by jose
I would think Egypt as they have yearly flooding, but then again all the civilizations have it. In my history book it says the Chinese built dikes to stop water, but the Egyptians used irrigation for plants, so either Egypt or china was more advance

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