
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: city

Senior class trip to New York City? ?

Question by eurofreak: Senior class trip to New York City? ?
Do you think this is worth 900 dollars?

April 22 – 26
Taking a Blue Grass Motor Coach
Breakfast at Mcdonalds 160 Broadway
Ferry to the Statue of Liberty/ Ellis Island
Tour of American Museum of Natural History
Space Show in the Hayden Planetarium
Crown Plaza for two nights
Tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Broadway Show
Empire State Building
Double Decker Bus tour of Manhattan
China Town/Little Italy
Shopping on 5th Avennue
A Dj Dinner Cruise in Ny Harbor- Statue of Liberty at Night
Breakfast at Variety Cafe
Rockefeller Center

Also, any ideas for raising some of the money?

btw this is 900 dollars per person.

Best answer:

Answer by JM
you’re getting a lot for the money! new york is an expensive town and you’ll be getting a lot of sight seeing. i would definitely go if you can.

do you have a birthday coming up you could ask for money or even for christmas. do some chores for parents or neighbors to help raise money.

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Q&A: the city of shanghai in china is near the mouth of what river?

Question by xSolidScenex: the city of shanghai in china is near the mouth of what river?
its not huangpu i check but idont no what it is plz help
is it the yangtze river o the yellow river maybe i dont know plz help i need the answer by friday

Best answer:

Answer by The Grumble Toad
Yanghtze River.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

What is the best way to get to the departure city of the Yangtze River cruise.?

Question by tenoral: What is the best way to get to the departure city of the Yangtze River cruise.?
We will be coming form Nanning, China

Best answer:

Answer by wimbach
Train or plane

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