
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: China’s

Q&A: Extending Knowledge: Two Chinas and Two Rivers?

Question by nonestopchick: Extending Knowledge: Two Chinas and Two Rivers?
1. There are two distinct regions within China defined by the Yangtze and the Huang-He Rivers. China south of the Huang-he grows wheat and grains. How would the geography, climate, and foodstuffs lead to two different Chinese cultures?

2. What policies and technologies would have been necessary to control and to unify geographically large Chinese state?

Best answer:

Answer by Sean Slater
Fighting on both sides of the river.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

China’s first cities arose along the the ____ where yellow silt, called__, …?

Question by horse: China’s first cities arose along the the ____ where yellow silt, called__, …?
made the valley fertile.
A. dynasty cycle
C.Huang He River
D.loess bones
F.Peking Man
H.Shang Di
I.Yangtze River

Best answer:

Answer by bubsir
Yangtze and Loess

Add your own answer in the comments!

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