
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: boat

Q&A: Is it possible to take a boat a china?

Question by quest: Is it possible to take a boat a china?
My mother would like to come china to vist me, but is deatly afried to fly. Whats more, the idea of riding a boat to her sounds exciting. If there a way for her take a boat to China? I would perfer a direct ship, and not a cruise. Can this be done? From San Fransico would be best.

Best answer:

Answer by Chris
She could take a… *puts on sunglasses* …slow boat to China.

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What are my options for a slow boat to China?

Question by kendell c: What are my options for a slow boat to China?
If one did not fly and wanted to get to China from the US what would his options for a ship be? Money and time not an issue but aside from chartering a Yacht. Are there strictly passenger ships or cruise ships that go from the US to China? Don’t really want to hitch a ride on an oil tanker either.
And how many days/weeks would it take?

Best answer:

Answer by Rillifane
You say that you don’t want to “hitch a ride on an oil tanker” but you may be unaware that many commericial cargo carriers routinely carry passengers (usually only a dozen or so) and are well equpped to do so. Check out this website:

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Are there any ferry or boat or cruise services from Hong Kong or China or Japan or Korea to America..?

Question by doubtingthomas: Are there any ferry or boat or cruise services from Hong Kong or China or Japan or Korea to America..?
Are there any ferry or boat or cruise services from Hong Kong or China or Japan or Korea to America Continent across the Pacific Ocean?

Best answer:

Answer by mg© – anti VT™ MG AM© Fundi4Life
wrong section

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Q&A: is there a slow boat to china? I’m looking to get across the pacific, NOT on a cruise ship?

Question by Kris 010: is there a slow boat to china? I’m looking to get across the pacific, NOT on a cruise ship?
maybe there’s a boat I can work on to get to china from seattle? Or I could pay a bit and get on one. I’m not looking for a cruise, just a long boat ride across the pacific

Best answer:

Answer by Amra Lee
i think its cheaper to take a flight

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Q&A: can I enter in China with my Bahamas seaman book to embark on a cruise boat as a crew or I need a visa?

Question by Adina: can I enter in China with my Bahamas seaman book to embark on a cruise boat as a crew or I need a visa?
do they give you this transit visa in the airport or you still need to go to the embassy and do all the procedures?

Best answer:

Answer by Seeanna
Travel and travel security have changed so much over the years so if you have intentions to travel anywhere in the World, including the Bahamas, I suggest that you have an up to date Passport, and a Visa.

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Do Americans need a visa to visit Sanya china when arriving on a cruise boat?

Question by Junaluska: Do Americans need a visa to visit Sanya china when arriving on a cruise boat?
I have read something about a “visa on arrival” and also a “no visa policy” for travel groups over 5 persons. We are only in port for 7 hours and it seems absurd. The cruise company is Scandinavian and has made some kind of arrangements for them but nothing for Americans, although this is a very popular cruiseline for Americans.. Any advice or recent experience will be greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Eileen J
I traveled alot and seems all countries need a passport to get into them…I went on river cruises and boats. I been even checked on buses from one country to another. even on travel group tours….I would ask a travel agent though. You may not be able to get off the cruise ship without it,,,better Check or wait it out on the ship..GOOD LUCK,,,have fun wherever you travel..STAY safe.

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