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Tag: attack

Doe the J-20 stealth heavy fighter / H-6U aerial tanker / DH-10 air launched land attack cruise missile combo?

Question by : Doe the J-20 stealth heavy fighter / H-6U aerial tanker / DH-10 air launched land attack cruise missile combo?
eliminate China’s need for aircraft carriers for long range strikes anywhere in the world?

J-20 Black Eagle:



Best answer:

Answer by Jean-Paul

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Q&A: When ETs invade Earth and attack China, will they have another thing coming when PL-12 AMRAAMs and YJ-83 nucle?

Question by gua: When ETs invade Earth and attack China, will they have another thing coming when PL-12 AMRAAMs and YJ-83 nucle?
ar-tipped cruise missiles fired by Chinese air force planes slam into their space-ships?

Best answer:

Answer by …………..
earth to gua.comeback to reality

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Getting China to attack Iran.?

Question by old_man_blanco: Getting China to attack Iran.?
Instead of the US risking military conflict with Iran, would it not be a good idea to dress up a couple dead Iraqi millitants in Iranian uniforms, place then just over the border with China, lob a few cruise missiles into the territory, and make it look like a failed Iranian attck on China had occured.

With a bit of luck China will retaliate by attacking Iran.

The Germans did a similar exercise during WW2, when the made it look as though Poland had tried to attack Germany, and promptly invaded them.

This is just a slight variation on that theme.

Best answer:

Answer by WindowLicker
china won’t attack iran… they have too much at stake oil-wise.

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Q&A: Why is China deploying its latest state-of-the-art Type 052C warships that are armed with land attack cruise?

Question by Phillip Gua: Why is China deploying its latest state-of-the-art Type 052C warships that are armed with land attack cruise?
missiles to the coast of Africa? Who are they trying to threaten?

DDG-171 Haikou (Type 052C) Destroyer departing for Somalia

DDG-171 Haikou (Type 052C) Destroyer back from first naval operation in Somalia

Best answer:

Answer by Caring Chinese
China has right to maneuver its ship as it like. We are not sending our warship out to attack other country such as America does with its warship.

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Did China launched an attack on a US cruise ship: but the media refused to inform Americans cause the media &?

Question by American Noodle: Did China launched an attack on a US cruise ship: but the media refused to inform Americans cause the media &?
Wall Street ain’t Americans …………. they are just here to Milk Americans

Best answer:

Answer by ArizonaAlmostRealAmerica
So I have heard.

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Is it true that China has launch an attack on a US cruise ship: but the media refuse to inform Americans?

Question by American Noodle: Is it true that China has launch an attack on a US cruise ship: but the media refuse to inform Americans?
because the media and Wall Street ain’t Americans …………. they are just here to Milk Americans

Best answer:

Answer by Anti-Liberal
no, it isn’t.

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