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Tag: Asian

Asian people first originated from AFRICA? is this true?

Question by : Asian people first originated from AFRICA? is this true?
I read somewhere that Asians first originated in Africa:

“In Cavalli-Sforza’s genetic clustering work (1988) South Chinese join Southeast Asians in genetic clustering while the North Chinese associate with Koreans, Japanese, Ainu, Bhutanese and Tibetans in genetic clustering. Other Southeast Asians include Malaysian, Viet Muong, Thai, Western Indonesian and Philippine.

Xiao and Cavalli-Sforza (2000) find the boundary between Northern and Southern Mongoloids to approximate the Yangtze River, and suggest that their ancestors arrived from Africa via separate routes. Principal component analysis of gene frequencies of Chinese populations

Other scientists have suggested that the finding of sharp genetic differences between North and South China is an artifact of using an insufficient number of samples. However, Xiao and Cavalli-Sforza (2000) has a larger number of samples than previous studies.”

It says that they originated from a part of Africa, if this is true, Black people are our long lost brothers and sisters?

Best answer:

Answer by Rawr!
People originated in Africa.

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Three Ohio-class US subs in Asian waters?

Question by r1b1c*: Three Ohio-class US subs in Asian waters?

Our Ohio-class subs are popping up all around China, how would we react if their subs were popping up all around us in say the Gulf of Mexico, off of California and maybe within (cruise missile type) range of New York?

Do you support this United Statesian stance on the far east?
Would you stand for the Chinese doing the same in/or near United Statesian territory?

Best answer:

Answer by ⌡Machine Head⌠
At no point were they in the recognized territorial waters of China, any ship of any navy can be in any part of open international waters at any time of peace.

There is little doubt that Chinese subs have been in international waters off the coast of the U.S., just as during the Cold War Soviet electronic surveillance trawlers were a constant presence in the international waters off the U.S.

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Am I the only one who thinks that Suri Cruise looks Asian?

Question by chickityclick20: Am I the only one who thinks that Suri Cruise looks Asian?
I mean seriously it looks like she was adopted from China and they showed her really late cuz the adoption wasn’t finalized yet. WHO’S WITH ME?!?

Best answer:

Answer by baffeledgirl1000
no my friend thinks that she is too

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