Question by Gavin Smith: Which to skip on china trip cuz of time. Yangtze river cruise(3dys), Hong Kong(out of way) Guilin(Li river) ?
We’re already going to Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an. Can only go to 2 of the 3(Guiling/yangshuo, hong kong, yangtze cruise from yaching to chongqing) Guilin seems to be a top tourist attraction with the Li river cruise(4 hours) and Yangshuo not too far away that has many natural attractions(rice paddy fields, mountains), hong kong i left out at first but friends wanna go. Yangtze river cruise seems least exciting but 3rd longest river in the world and 3 gorges dam is one of engineering wonders.
Best answer:
Answer by Kate likes Nikon
Yangtze river, i would miss out on. The amount of scum & slim that has piled up behind the 3 gorges dam over the years is ridiculous, it’s really affected the nature and beauty. The Guilin is a proper wonder, fabulous.
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